Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daily Gift-Acceptance Limit!

 Hello Cafe World Friends!

"Everyone has a certain amount of “free-floating” gifts that they can accept a day." (Quote from The Face Gamer, see link below.)
Before you click that "Accept" box when people send you items in CW, stop and think about which items you really want to be gifted with that day because there is a daily gift-acceptance limit on certain kinds of things.

What I have started doing now is not accepting things when I log in until I have gotten the actual items I want for that day like carrots for the salad bar or metal sheets or black lights or...well you get the idea.

Also, everytime the game pops and and says "Time to give back!" RESIST! Other players will ask you for the things they really want if you get into the habit of waiting for their requests. CW friends will get to know they can call on you for what they really want, and will be there for you in return.

Cafe World Gift App is a great way to choose which gifts to send people if they have requests but the Cafe World game isn't giving you the option to send those gifts. To use the CWGA, go to their website and they will ask you for permission to access your friends files. Then when you want to send something, pick the item you want to send, press "Send", and your friends list will appear. You can then choose which friends to send the item to.

Then, to accept gifts from CWGA, go to the top left of your facebook page to the "Notifications" icon. See the list for Cafe World Gift Apps and click on it. Then you can start accepting all those carrots!

For example, I sent out multiple carrots and 6-hour Thymes this morning, and more than once to each person who needed them. You can send out a lot of gifts, but it's up to the person recieving them to have gift-acceptance slots available for that day. Hopefully this message will get out and Cafe World peeps will start getting, and accepting, only the gifts they really want.

If you want to read more on this subject follow the link below.

Let us know what you think about this topic! Post your questions and solutions here.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Cafe World Co-op on facebook

Cafe World Co-op is a meeting and information place for facebook fans of CW! Team up here for catering events, find information on catering, strategies, decorating, and more!